Notice of Meeting

Annual General Meeting of the UCT Convocation

Dear members of Convocation

Please note that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Convocation will be convened as a hybrid meeting (i.e. on a virtual online platform and in-person attendance as preferred) and is scheduled as follows:


Thursday, 5 December 2024




Microsoft Teams/Kramer Law Building, Middle Campus, Lecture Theatre 1

The AGM takes place in accordance with the Statute of the University of Cape Town. Meetings of Convocation are restricted to members of Convocation. Please refer to the footnote for confirmation of the composition of Convocation. The notice of the AGM is sent to Convocation member email addresses that UCT has on record. It will also be published on the UCT website and advertised on the UCT social media platforms.

Notices of motion:
Please be advised that notices of motion must be submitted in writing by no later than Friday, 15 November 2024. Notices of motion may be submitted to:

Registration to participate in the AGM:
The AGM of Convocation is restricted to members of Convocation. In order to facilitate access to the meeting members will be required to register by Friday, 15 November 2024. This is a firm deadline and is necessary for purposes of putting in place the arrangements for the meeting, including the online provision for those who will attend online. 

Joining the 2024 AGM of Convocation:
For those who elect to join the meeting online, a few days prior to the AGM a meeting link and details for joining the meeting will be sent to you. Be reminded that you need to register by Friday, 15 November 2024.

Please refer to the links below to access the draft minutes of the 2023 AGM of Convocation, the Special General Meeting (28 May 2024) and the agenda for the 2024 AGM of Convocation.


Royston Pillay
Secretary of Convocation
22 October 2024


The Convocation consists of:

  1. the graduates and all holders of diplomas and credit-bearing certificates of the University;
  2. the vice-chancellor, the deputy vice-chancellors and the academic staff; and
  3. those former professors and associate professors elected by the senate to be emeritus professors or emeritus associate professors.


Terms of Reference


Special General Meeting – 28 May 2024


AGM Minutes


AGM Agendas


AGM Motions