UCT Alumni Relations

UCT aerial photo

The Alumni Relations unit at the University of Cape Town aims to grow and diversify the network of engaged alumni around the world as well as to harness the significant goodwill that exists for UCT, both locally and abroad. We achieve this through targeted initiatives designed to engage current students and former graduates of the University of Cape Town.

Alumni contact sessions provide an opportunity to highlight priority projects that require individual and collective support.

Our Alumni Student Association works to prepare current UCT students for the role they will play as future UCT alumni. We make a concerted effort to attract young alumni in order to encourage their active participation in shaping the future of the university.

One of our initiatives is the Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series. Through this series we work with prominent alumni to promote UCT as an academic destination of choice. The talk series allows us to profile the calibre of our graduates as well as the distinctiveness of scholarship in Africa whilst engaging audiences of alumni on a range of societal issues that resonate with them. Of the more than 170 000 UCT alumni from around the world, approximately 85% reside on the African continent. This platform is thus a priority for the Alumni Relations department.

Without an active, coordinated and engaged alumni network, it would be difficult for the institution to position itself and raise funds effectively. We invite you to become an active member of our vibrant UCT Alumni community by joining UCT Alumni Connect. This platform provides an easy way for you to re-connect with former classmates as well as a way to utilize the trusted University of Cape Town environment to expand your professional network. Membership is free. Once verified, you gain access to a global network of fellow alumni.

Join at: www.uctalumniconnect.com

A privacy notice for UCT alumni and donors

When you have finished your studies at UCT, we collect and use your information to communicate with and provide alumni services to you. When you donate to UCT, we use your personal information to process the donation and to issue tax receipts. We may share your information with service providers we trust. Our service providers help us to communicate with you, manage UCT Alumni Connect, do marketing, process payments, report on donations received and manage operations.


Contact Alumni Relations

Libo Msengana-Bam
Senior Manager: Alumni Relations
021 650 2641

Nomcebo Msweli
Alumni Relations Manager
021 650 4140

Lwando Nteya
Alumni Relations Co-ordinator
021 650 1201

Sithabile Magoxo
Alumni Relations Assistant
021 650 3744

Connect with fellow alumni by joining our official social media platforms: