The University of Cape Town Australia Trust invites you and a guest to an exciting evening of reconnection and camaraderie with fellow UCT Alumni, friends and staff of the University. 

Meet UCT Australia Trust Board members and Sarah Archer, Executive Director - Development and Alumni Department, as they share updates on UCT's regional plans.

Event proceedings

5pm                          Registration
5.15pm – 5.45pm     UCT Australia Trust AGM and presentations (Live Stream; Notice of Annual General Meeting)
5.45pm – 8pm          Enjoy delicious refreshments and engage with the UCT community
Questions?              Please email our Sydney-based UCT team member, Ruth Thornton

We look forward to having you join us at this event.

                                        NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Notice is hereby given that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of

Cape Town University Foundation Limited


The University of Cape Town Australia Trust

will be held at offices of Bentleys NSW Level 14, 60 Margaret Street Sydney NSW 2000 on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 5.30 pm (AEDT). Note the meeting can be accessed online as well, and email invitations to the meeting will be sent out.  For further information regarding the meeting,  please contact or

  1. Financial Statements and Reports

Receive and consider the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024. The Corporations Act requires the report of the directors, the auditor’s report and financial statements be laid before the annual general meeting. In addition, the company’s constitution provides for these reports to be received and laid before the meeting.

During the meeting questions and comments can be raised on the financial report and questions relevant to the auditor and the content of the audit report.  

  1. Board of Directors and Auditor

Whilst there is no requirement in the constitution to re-elect directors it is necessary for the meeting to approve the appointment of directors who were appointed during the year.

  1. Agenda for the meeting:
  1. Welcome by Chair of the meeting and Apologies – 2 mins
  2. Previous AGM approval of minutes and matters arising from previous AGM – 3 mins
  3. Items 1 and 2 above (Brian Jones) – 4 mins
  4. Update re ACNC website and Annual statement (Lenore Plummer) – 4 mins
  5. Annual Appeal update (Cindy De Oliveira) – 3 mins
  6. Introducing new board members and call for directors, ambassadors & volunteers (Noel McIntosh):  - 4 mins
    1. Brian Jones (Interim Chair)
    2. Lenore Plummer (Secretary)
    3. Sue Harrison
  7. Update on UCT:  Where UCT is leading on research, teaching and learning, and social impact. (Sarah Archer in person from Cape Town) –– 10 mins
  8. General  
  9. Closure